Foam Interfacing, how to apply it to fabric to prevent wrinkles
Bobbin Girl stocks two brands of foam, two are fusible (iron on) and one is sew in
Pellon Flex Foam FF78F1 Single Sided Fusible
Vlieseline Style-Vil FIX Fusible
Vlieseline Style-Vil Sew In
The fusible varieties are ironed onto the back of your fabric using a steam iron and pressing cloth
The sew in variety is attached by basting it to your fabric within the seam allowance
Many bag makers prefer sew in to fusible foam because it has a tendency to come away from the fabric during the bag making process, particularly when turning the bag right side out and wrinkles seem to be more common
I have two tips for applying foam interfacing to share with you which I hope will help greatly reduce wrinkles and prevent the foam coming away from your fabric
Iron on fusible woven interfacing to your exterior fabric pattern pieces first before applying fusible foam interfacing
Try using Heat N Bond Light to stick your fabric to sew in foam interfacing
Heat N Bond Light is ironed onto the back of the foam interfacing, much in the same way as when making applique, the paper is removed to create an adhesive back which sticks foam to fabric when heat is applied. Don’t use steam during this process. It’s really easy to do and in my experience wrinkles are far less and the foam doesn’t come away from the fabric